My Son Nick Reveals Himself as Part of His Mom's Plot to Get My Stuff in Her Role in CIA Plot to Kill Obama in 2014

My Son Reveals His Betrayal

Funny story.  Well not so much.  My son Nick drew this as we were moving to Denver and claimed that someone else drew it.  We lived on a 2 acre hill much in seclusion.  No one but he or I had access, and as we were loading up the container with garbage as we prepared for our April 2016 move to Denver I had noticed the sign had no drawing of 'Rick falling...' until it did.  Nick, my son, then 15 drew this.  Why?  His mother had shown him when he was 13 pornographic images of me having group sex to which she herself as a former prostitute had earlier introduced me to.

Earlier at Trader Joe's the place loaded with FBI agents, the big undercover cop at the checkout was all sorts of concerned for Nick while his gay bag boy was all sorts of friendly to me.  Freaked me out at the time.  Now not at all.

Life under police surveillance, police entrapment, gang stalking and gas lighting.

Rule 1.  When a target of these conditions, document, document, document.

The 'broke his intestines' bit is a dig at homosexual sex, the kind I would have been lined up for had his mother and her Russian policeman boyfriends entrapment case succeeded.

Hence Nick growing 30 little pot plants illegal in New York State, hence the cops showing up at my home when I made no 911 call, hence my arrest and request for trial, though I chose the higher path and agreed to wait out a year and have the charge discharged that way so as to allow all to go on their way quietly.

In the fall of 2016 in Denver I found that which I had been waiting for, the venomous chat between son and mother focused on me, father.  They had both lied and claimed they were not speaking with each other and hadnt for two years.  My son today claims to hate his mother.  I believe this to be a lie and 'street theater', similar to an earlier exercise in 'street theater' I from which received an education when told by prostitute Genya Kosheleva that she hated Alexander Tregubov who had falsely passed himself off as her boyfriend and pimp.  Similarly 2 FBI gangstalkers, Jon Pouliot Jr and Shari Faller with whom I lived at 3205 Sandfiddler Road in Virginia Beach as I attempted to reconcile with fraudster wife and mother of my son Svetlana, Jon pretending to hate Shari.  Lessons everywhere.  One only has to look.

My January 24th, 2017 'kitchen accident' suggests that is for now off the table.

Father's work is never done.  Though now that my boy nears 19, his mother and he lies, don't think there is much for me to do playing at this game of family.  Perhaps divorce and time to ramble on. 

Always liked Led Zeppelin.  


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