Poolside Thoughts in Thailand

I sit poolside.  I reflect on the state of my relationship with Russian wife Svetlana. 

On the surface we are cordial, even sometimes playful. 

Deeper though remain the lies.  She is shameless in her willingness to use deception.  She had a little Botox done some time back around her eyes, it makes it a bit harder to read 'tells' when she lies.  I remind myself she had been prepared to be the wife who survived a lone gunman nutcase presidential assassination patsy, and she was planned to have been able to pass media scrutiny.  I have little doubt she would have managed this well.  And to be fair, the media would have been a bit managed for her as that is how this whole bit of corruption works.

She recently admitted that she lied.  This was to do with my departure from Russia in October 2013 as both she and the girl I was living with Evgeniya Kosheleva informed me that I would be killed by Alexander Tregubov.  She had recently put forward a fiction that this never happened and I just got up one day and willy billy abandoned Russia and our son who was then 13. 

She relented and admitted her lie without any explanation as to why she had lied in the first place. 

The Tregubov death threat was itself a fiction intended to make me jump. 

It succeeded. 

In retrospect I had to go through that period from October 2013 to December 2016 residing with Adam Stanhope, Pembroke, MA; brother John Macy, Portland, ME; Navy shipmate and wife Chuck and Randee Jensen, Levant, ME; American Chamber of Commerce Executive Committee member of 2000 corrupt NCIS agent Doug Boyce and wife Elena Boyce, 313 Sage Road, Virginia Beach, VA; landlady Shari Faller, 3205 Sandfiddler Road, Virginia Beach, VA; my own property at 1235 Honeysuckle Pass, Victor, NY; and high end apartment complex 1801Skyline at the corner of Arapahoe and 18th in Denver CO to  learn I was under FBI surveillance, and was gangstalked by the above listed people as well as notables Jon Pouliot, Jr, while at 3205 Sandfiddler and Coy Ebell and Samantha Corente while in Denver.

I am being monitored now and overtly let to know about it as the spooks keep pushing the volume to max remotely on this iPad.  Old trick.  Old dog. 

Back to Svetlana.  I returned to her thinking, perhaps hoping that as the opportunity to turn me into a drug addled, sex crazed, Myron May lone gunman nutcase to be abused in the role of patsy for a presidential assassination plot had passed, perhaps she would simply like together to be parents, perhaps grandparents and to put how we met and all this nefarious drama behind us. 

I don't think this is the case now.

It didn't appear to bother her that Tregubov poisoned me in 2011.  My poisoning by Dave Eggers in 2005 similarly wasn't difficult for her.  And the at least one time she poisoned me after I returned to Russia from Denver in April 2017 to keep me up all night so as to affect my decision making process when the next day, a Sunday, at church Adrian Terris assaulted me.  I didn't take that bait but the lesson remains. 

It was important for them to get documentation of a psychiatric nature that I was unwell and so my narrative suspect.  They failed on that day.  Some weeks later our son gave me a stimulant and I wonder if Svetlana did not as well as I then had an experience that Svetlana used to get me put away for a month at a Russian state run mental institution.  I was released in a months time and given a prescription for antipsychotics that I quickly stopped taking.  I was curious to see this trip through and was frankly amazed at how closely these folks on both sides of the Atlantic followed the gangstalkers 'targeted individual' playbook. 

I was sympathetic to Svetlana thinking it is reasonable for her to see no upside in relaying the truth to me and so haven't pushed, let it slide, lived day to day.  After all the gangstalking resources that have been applied to me could be applied to anyone, including her, and that would not be an outcome she would desire.  I don't blame her in that.  I don't hold that against her.

What I see from her now though is in conjunction with the recent 'reach out' contact made by old Russian pal Sergei, who used to help me organize orgies and Svetlana's use of NLP to put ideas of sex, bordellos and 'crystal' in my mind suggests she is willingly still in the game and I had best be on my toes.

I learned about how Svetlana and others American and Russian used NLP against me earlier and feel fairly confident I can guard against this form of subtle and nefarious 'mind control'.  The thing I can't so much guard against is should she poison me again.  I have reason to suspect she was doing so our last few weeks in Saint Petersburg, given the number of loose stools.  Here in Thailand, all good in the bowel department. 

I reach out with my tale, so far with very limited success, for if my tale is believed it is key to understanding how our intel services gangstalk targets into roles of patsies a la Lee Harvey Oswald in 'successful' assassinations, bombers like McVeigh, mass shootings like Las Vegas.  A guy like me is a bit of bad laundry that the bad guys don't want aired.  This I understand.  Frankly I am surprised to still be alive, on the table, in the game. 

So what to do about Svetlana Macy? 

Push her on her lies and have her rage back with deception technique after deception technique? 

Take it easy and be amicable watching what I eat? 



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