Prudence Thomas Pease, FBI Gangstalker

Prudence Thomas Pease, FBI Gangstalker

Prudence Thomas Pease

Now let's get creepy.  This goes back to Sacred Heart and a gal named Prudence Thomas.  Later she got married and now has a last name of Pease.  She was for a time elected as a judge in the State of Vermont.

You can find her on the internet, and besides the truths about her that I learned that is fairly dark and corrupt there is a side to Prudence that seems to want to help disadvantaged folk as she once was when in her teens and twenties.  I don't know too much about that I do know about 2013 when she came at me hard.

In the fall of 2013, Prudence unexpectedly reached out to me by email and then by phone.

As the FBI was gang stalking me they made these calendar posts show up via remote control on a newly purchased Samsung tablet I had bought in Virginia.  I was quite frightened at the time.  I couldnt believe I was the subject of any sort of targeting, for who was I?  In a few years I learned I am and have always been a manchurian candidate, programmed unsuccessfully by corrupt CIA and FBI to become a Timothy McVeigh like terror actor, in my case, and in the words of Egish Khachatrian, "Rick we will make you into this generation's Lee Harvey Oswald.  We will get you and Obama too!"

Prudence and I during that winter of my discontent, 2013/14 had several what I considered intimate phone calls.

They were not.

It was simply more police entrapment.  She would tell me things about how she saw my aura, drugs, and more all while offering that which a man apparently needs so much, sex.  I suppose as regards gangstalking and entrapment, the classics are the best.

I didn't take the bait, though Prudence invited me to visit her in her Vermont home.  Oddly she was and I believe remains married to a man now for reasons unknown to me an invalid.  Weird scenes behind the gold mine, certainly.

Feeling a negative vibe I couldnt understand, I cut off all contact with Prudense Pease in late 2013.  Not a moment too soon.  Bet the FBI didnt tell her what they were really up to, bet they told her I was a really bad guy.  FISA courts apparently work like that.  Its a great business model.  A little 9/11, and bang much bigger budgets to create the ultimate police state that is what Amerika is well on the road to becoming IMHO.

And I should know.  I've done the hard yards.

Later in 2014, feeling I was under surveillance while renting a room at 3205 Sandfiddler Road, Virginia Beach from another FBI gangstalker, twice bankrupt, divorced, disabled Shari Faller, I bought a new Android Samsung tablet.  Immediately on the schedule meetings appeared for 'Pru', this short for Prudence in Odessa, Texas.  This a classic misdirect from FBI to get me looking in the wrong places.  Those boys can hack anything I have since learned and so use no encryption, proton mail, etc.  Its all a joke when they really want to watch you as they really want to watch me.  Sometimes I put on a show for them to see what moves, where reactions come from.  I dont do that so much now, but can give credit to the Robert B. Parker novels I read as a kid featuring detective Spenser.

His tactic?  Provoke the bad guys and see what happens.  And this is what I did.  And I found the bad guys.  CIA.  FBI.  MI6.  FSB.  And more.  And yes, Prudence Thomas Pease.


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